Visitor Restrictions Now in Effect Due to High Influenza Activity

According to the Indiana State Department of Health, influenza is picking up rapidly across the state. Indiana Hospitals have or are beginning to implement visitor restrictions due to the high number of influenza cases. Marion Health is also seeing an increased pattern of admissions for influenza.
For the safety of our patients and staff, we are enacting the following visitor restrictions:
- Only two adult immediate family/significant others as identified by the patient will be allowed to visit.
- Visitors under the age of 18 will not be allowed to visit. An exception will be made for siblings of newborns to visit Family Birth Center as long as they are symptom-free.
- Visitors who have flu-like symptoms such as cough, fever, chills, and muscle aches, or vomiting and diarrhea will not be allowed to visit.
- Masks will be encouraged for patients arriving with flu-like symptoms.
- Guests will be asked to wash their hands and use hand sanitizer often while in the building.
- Exceptions can be made by the care team in the event of special circumstances.
(Example: Patient is near the end of life)