Marion General Hospital to Celebrate National Rural Health Day

Marion Health will join the National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH) and other state/national rural stakeholders in celebrating National Rural Health Day onThursday, November 21, 2019.
Marion Health staff will be reaching out to our community and offering services and education, specifically handwashing and cold/flu information, in our local schools.
NRHD reminds us that rural communities face unique healthcare needs. Today more than ever, rural communities must tackle accessibility issues, a lack of healthcare providers, the needs of an aging population suffering from a greater number of chronic conditions, and larger percentages of un- and underinsured citizens.
Marion Health continues to rise above the challenges of national healthcare systems, while focusing on supporting rural citizens through programs such as CEASE diabetes, tobacco cessation education, health screenings, community health education events such as: MGH Health Expo, parish nursing, opioid and heroin abuse education, numerous support groups and health education classes just to name a few.
Rural communities are wonderful places to live and work, which is why an estimated 57 million people – nearly one in five Americans – call them home. We know there is work to be done, but we also believe there is plenty to celebrate – and we invite you to join the celebration!