Marion General Hospital Recognized with 2019 Performance Leadership Award in Quality, Outcomes and Patient Perspective

As part of National Rural Health Day, Marion Health has been recognized by The Chartis Center of Rural Health and the National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH) for overall excellence in Performance Leadership in Quality, Outcomes and Patient Perspective, reflecting top quartile performance among all rural hospitals in the nation.
“This achievement is very gratifying and validates our daily commitment to providing the best health care possible to our community, while maintaining an efficient and effective facility,” said Stephanie Hilton-Siebert, President and CEO.
“National Rural Health Day has come to symbolize not just the vital role healthcare providers play in rural communities, but the dedication and hard work that goes into overcoming the unique healthcare challenges that exist across rural America,” said Teryl Eisinger, Chief Executive Officer, NOSORH. “We are proud of the work of the State Offices of Rural Health, their partners and rural hospitals do to improve care across the nation.”
The Hospital Strength INDEX is the industry’s most comprehensive and objective assessment of rural hospital performance. Leveraging data from publicly available data sources, the INDEX aggregates data from 50 rural-relevant metrics across eight pillars of performance. Celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2020, the INDEX serves as the data foundation for a number of industry-leading rural recognition programs and legislative initiatives.