MGH Recognized for Excellence in Advertising

Honored for excellence in advertising, Marion General Hospital and ad agency partner, Designs Group, LLC (Marion, IN), received one Bronze and two Gold awards in the 2014 Aster Awards competition.

The Aster Awards, one of the largest national competitions of its kind, is hosted by Marketing Healthcare Today magazine and Creative Images, Inc. This elite program recognizes outstanding healthcare professionals for excellence in their advertising/marketing efforts for the calendar year 2013.

The Gold awards were received for their Giving Back and Breast Cancer Awareness advertising campaigns. The award ranks both organizations in the top 5% nationally for healthcare advertising design and expertise. Placing in the top 12% in the nation, the Bronze Award was won for their Marion Health ER cares poster and display.

Participant’s entries competed against similar-sized organizations in their category. Judging criteria includes creativity, quality, message effectiveness, consumer appeal, graphic design, and overall appeal.

Approximately 3,000 entries from across the United States as well as Canada and South America were received this year, making the awards the largest healthcare advertising awards competition.

“It’s an extreme compliment for our team and partnering ad agency to be recognized by our industry and peers for a national award,” states Ann Vermilion, administrative director of public relations and marketing. “Winning these awards validates that we produce advertising of national quality on a local level.”

Winning entries, judged by a diverse panel of experts, are posted on the Aster Awards website ( and published in Marketing Healthcare Today, a national healthcare marketing magazine.