MGH Welcomes Henry S. Gindt, M.D., to its Medical Staff
Marion Health is pleased to welcome Henry S. Gindt, M.D., MPH,
DABA, to its medical staff.
Dr. Gindt received his bachelor’s degree from Notre Dame University Namur and his M.D. from Catholic University Louvain University, Belgium. His Master’s in Public Health was earned from Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
He completed his residency at Catholic University Louvain University, Belgium, and his internship was finished at Louvain University, Belgium. His fellowship was completed at Mayo Graduate School of Medicine-Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minnesota.
Dr. Gindt is also MRO (Medical Review Officer) Certified, which gives him the credentials to review complex hair and urine drug screen samples.
He officially began his new duties as Medical Director of Occupational Medicine (located within Ambucare Clinic at 119 S. Washington, Marion) on Monday, March 11.