Grant County Medical Society Unveils New Logo

“The old logo was revised not because it didn’t look good, but it was actually more of a seal or emblem than a logo,” states William J. Granger, M.D., anesthesiologist and the current President of the Society. “The new logo is more ‘user friendly’ and modern, while still reflecting on the rich tradition and heritage of the Society itself.”
The Grant County Medical Society is one of the pioneer Medical Societies in the State of Indiana. It was founded on June 16, 1848, just one year after the American Medical Association, one year prior to the State Medical Association being formed, and 48 years before the first hospital in Marion opened in 1896.
The Society’s mission is to improve the health and welfare of the citizens of Grant County, and the fulfillment of that mission still continues today. The Society also maintains a grievance committee and provides scholarships for Grant County residents attending medical school.
The logo was designed by Dawn Darga, owner of Designs Group, LLC.